Welcome to Z-Talk! I am very excited to give you periodic updates on dentistry, our office and the services we offer. What a great way to stay in touch with my patients and friends. I am so grateful for my valued patients and exceptional staff in wonderful Centre Hall, PA.
With the holidays just around the corner many of you will be attending parties, family gatherings and of course taking holiday portraits. Did you know that one of the most economical and convenient ways to enhance your appearance is by bleaching or whitening your teeth? According to the American Academy Of Cosmetic Dentistry, a brighter smile gives the impression of youth, vitality, radiant health, happiness, and warmth. A bright smile is perceived as a happy smile. If you are not happy with your smile, teeth whitening may be a good first step.
I first bleached my own teeth while in Dental School (over 21 years ago!) Even though the systems I used then were more cumbersome than the systems I use today, I was thrilled with the result and have been interested in whitening since that time.
There are several different bleaching systems available today, but I primarily use one that I think is the best for the patient. This system consists of a custom made bleaching tray that is worn with a bleaching gel inserted for 30 minutes per day for 10-14 days. This treatment is extremely effective, easy to use and reasonably priced. Tooth whitening can last for one or more years, depending on how well you take care of your teeth, and if you’re following up regularly with a home whitening product for regular maintenance.
Another method is in-office bleaching. I have taken courses on in-office bleaching and have decided I would not, at present, use this type of system on myself. Therefore, I won’t recommend this method for my patients. It requires the patient to sit for approximately an hour with their mouth open and a special barrier in place to protect their gums from the powerful bleach. Patients must also wear special glasses to protect their eyes from the bleaching light. I have known patients who have had sensitivity after in-office bleaching. In addition, some systems, such as ZOOM, require home bleaching trays to complete the bleaching process. Independent research has shown the special lights to have little, if any effect on the bleaching result and these systems can be much more expensive than the price of take home bleaching kits.
Call our office today if you are interested in whitening your teeth for the holidays or in purchasing a bleaching kit for a loved one. A beautiful smile is the gift that keeps giving! Become a fan of Zimmerman Dental Care on Facebook during the month of November and be entered in a drawing to be selected for a free in-home whitening kit. www.facebook.com/ZimmermanDentalCare